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Sixth Form


2024 Summer Results/Post-Results

2024 post results 1 .pdf


Y10 Mocks (June 2024)

Y10 Mock Timetable

Summer 2024 Examination Timetable

Start times will be amended once entries are finalised.

Exams highlighted in blue are Y11/GCSE

Exams in white are Sixth Form/A Level

Summer 2024 Examination Timetable

Important Documentation






jcq student information use of ai.pdf


Key Dates 2023/24 

November 2023 Season

6 November - Date of first examination on common timetable

15 November - Final examination on common timetable 

11 January - Release of Results to candidates


Summer 2024 Season

9 May - Date of first examination on common timetable (GCSE)

13 May - Date of first examination on common timetable (GCE)

25 June - Date of final examination on common timetable

26 June - Contingency Day in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the UK

15 August - A Level Results Day

22 August - GCSE Results Day



Other Information

Ofqual - Managing Exam Anxiety

OCR - Preparing for your exams

JCQ - Information to Candidates

Unauthorised Items Poster

Warning to Candidates Poster

Privacy Notice

Candidate Social Media Infographic

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