School Staff
Leadership Group
Ms S Hartshorn, Headteacher
Ms R Gurney, Deputy Head - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr G Butler, Deputy Head
Mrs D Francis, Assistant Head - ADSL
Mr P Slater, Assistant Head - ADSL
Mrs S Silvers, Assistant Head - ADSL
Mr M Curtis, Assistant Head
Mr D Miles, Assistant Head
Mr P Thurbon, Assistant Head
Mrs S Bidwell, Assistant Head
Mr B Olive, Assistant Head
Business, Computing & IT
Mr J Trenchard, Director of Business, Computing and IT
Mr P Robinson, Deputy Director of Business, Computing and IT
Ms H Smith, Leader of Health & Social Care
Mrs S Silvers
Mr S Greenwood
Mr S Payne
Art, Music, Media and Drama)
Mrs R Mayers, Director of Creative Arts, Leader of Drama
Miss L Aldis
Ms B White, Leader of Art
Mr S Mullinger, Leader of Media & Film
Miss M Ellis, Leader of Music & Music Technology
Mr M Bos
Mrs R Green
Mr P Slater
Mrs J Forster
Miss H Watte
Mrs R Hawkins
Mr N Riches
Mrs L Stow
Mr R Vaughan, Associate Coordinator of Photography
Mrs J Shoote, Director of English
Mrs M Rodwell, Deputy Director of English
Mr R Boakes, Coordinator of KS3 English
Mrs J Pfrang, Coordinator of KS5 English, Associate Coordinator of Literacy
Ms K Aldis, English Intervention Coordinator
Mrs S Maton
Ms R Gurney
Mrs R Hawkins
Mrs L Morrall
Mr B Olive
Mr C Woodard
Mrs L Morris
Mrs L Stow
Miss E Ketteridge
Humanities (History, Geography, Religious Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Law, and Politics)
Mr A Mayers, Director of Humanities, Leader of Religious Studies
Mr R Ainslie
Miss L Barnes, Leader of Psychology and Sociology
Dr C Coppola
Ms R Gurney
Mr J Hoyle, Leader of History
Mrs D Harrod, Leader of Geography (Sabbatical Leave)
Mrs R Hoyle (Maternity Leave)
Mrs R Mayers
Mrs K Remer
Mr A Thurgar, Leader of Geography (Sabbatical Cover)
Mrs C Fowler
Miss M Evans
Miss A Heard
Miss E Bradley
Mr I Ruddock
Miss S Green
Miss G Holland, Director of Languages
Mr T Wainman, Deputy Director of Languages
Dr C Coppola, Leader of Latin
Miss E Bradley
Mrs I Morton
Mrs L Yates
Ms H Stopper
Mr D Hurtado
Mr P Thurbon, Director of Mathematics
Mrs R Barker, Coordinator of KS3 Mathematics
Mr J Jackman, Coordinator of KS4 Mathematics
Mr B Williams
Mr R Kerry
Mr D Miles
Mrs N Todd
Miss L Travers
Mrs S Fenwick
Miss V Brooks
Mrs F Conneely
Mrs N Gopaul
Physical Education
Mr M Gricks, Director of Sport
Mr A Beales, Co-ordinator of PE
Mrs D Francis
Mrs S Harrod
Mr S Peck
Mr I Ruddock
Miss R Nabarro
Miss G Parker
PSHEE & Careers
Mr C Woodard, PSHEE & Careers Lead
Mrs J Moye, Learning Resource Centre and Work Experience Co-ordinator
Ms T Lathrope, PSHEE & Careers Business Support Officer
Mrs C Bedward, Director of Science
Miss R Harrison, Deputy Director of Science
Mrs J Hartnell, Associate Coordinator of Chemistry
Mrs A Riley, Coordinator of KS3 Science, Associate Coordinator of Biology
Mr J Hallam, Associate Coordinator of Physics
Miss A Davies
Mrs I Ellyatt
Mrs S Smalling
Mrs S Bidwell
Mr A Pittman
Miss R Poller
Mr P Robinson
Mr B Williams
Mr G Butler
Mrs N Gopaul
Miss S Green
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Mrs S Maton, SENDCo
Mrs S Fenwick, Deputy SENDCo
Mr M Curtis, Director of Design Technology
Mrs R Davies, Leader of Food Technology
Miss S Regis, Leader of Design (Shared)
Ms J Messenger, Leader of Design (Shared)
Mr S Totten
Mrs J Ruth
Ms H Smith
School Support Managers
Mr A Sandford
Mr J Roberts
Business Support Officers
Mrs S Booker
Mrs S Dunn
Mrs R Mattocks
Mrs M Scott
Miss S Turner, Educational Visits Co-ordinator, First Aid Lead
Mrs N Morfitt
Catering (Edwards & Blake)
Mrs K Owers, Kitchen Manager
Mrs C White
Mrs K Chalk
Mr C Goddard
Mrs S Turner
Mrs M Bradley
Mrs C Webb
Mrs Z Gibbs
Mrs J Stembalski
Mrs A Prettyman
Mrs K Berry, Cleaning Supervisor
Mrs A Alexander
Mr C Goddard
Mrs E Poole
Miss E Newson
Ms K Tucker
Miss L Thorpe
Miss N Newson
Miss P Vogel
Mr S Bailey
Mr P Clegg
Mrs V Korbel
Mrs N Kenward
Mr R Adams
Community Sports and Lettings
Mr S Higginbotham, Community Sports and Lettings Manager
Mr H Taylor
Miss E Sison
Miss M Bray
Miss S Playford
Miss P Fenn
Miss E Galer
Mr A Pearce
Miss A Freeman
Miss M Tattum-Smith
Miss K Sinden
Mr S Peck
Cover Supervisors
Miss L Aldis
Ms P Murphy
Mr P Wilson
Mrs C Martin
Mrs P George
Mr B Guttridge, Student Data Manager
Duke Of Edinburgh
Miss S Turner, Admin Support
Miss E Sison, Examinations Manager
Mrs J Davies, Deputy Examinations Manager, Admissions Administrator
IT Support
Mr B Ingram, Senior IT Technician
Mr G Parker
Mr B Guttridge
Reprographics Technicians
Miss L Sandford, Senior Reprographics Technician
Mrs N Kemp
Site team
Mr M Elflett, Site Manager
Mr D Hembling
Mrs M Stoney
Mr C Brown
Mr M Kinsley
Student Support
Mr D Cable, Key Stage Manager, Yr6 Transition, Yr7 Year Manager
Mrs S Blower, Yr8 Year Manager
Mr H Taylor, Yr9 Year Manager
Miss B Skinner, Yr10 Year Manager
Mrs L Sayer, Yr11 Year Manager
Mrs L Guttridge, Lower School Academic Mentor
Mrs A Howe, Upper School Academic Mentor
Mr T Gorbould, Senior Co-ordinator of Sixth Form
Mrs S Thompson, Deputy Co-ordinator of Sixth Form
Mrs K Crisp, Attendance Officer
Mrs K Evans, Business Support Officer - Attendance
Mr J Bane, Inclusion Officer
Miss J King, Behaviour Officer
Teaching Assistants
Miss H Blackburn
Mrs M Galer
Mrs P Lee
Mrs V Mitchell
Mrs H Collins (Maternity Leave)
Mrs S Fraser
Mrs B Chown
Mrs L Waters
Mr E Everson
Mr A Eley
Miss A Fairs
Technicians (Educational Support)
Mr T Crawford-Sharpe, Senior Science Technician
Mr E Beevor, Science
Miss C Maguire, Science
Mrs R Sayer, Science
Mrs T Cable, Food Technology
Mr M Driscoll, Design Technology
Ms T Derham, Design Technology
Mrs N Hoggett, Art Technician/School Display
Mr N Riches, Creative Arts and School AV
Casual Drivers
Mr J McGeary
Ms J Lines
Mr M Skuse