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Sixth Form

Bridging Work

Applied Science

Applied Science Bridging Work

Art & Design

Art & Design Bridging Work

Art & Design Additional Tasks


Biology Bridging Work


Business Bridging Work


Chemistry Bridging Work

Computer Science

Computing Bridging Work

Digital Games Design

Digital Games Design Bridging Work


Economics Bridging Work

English GCSE

English GCSE Bridging Work

English Language

English Language Bridging Work

English Literature

English Literature Bridging Work

Extended Project

EPQ Bridging Work

Fashion & Textiles

Fashion & Textiles Bridging Work

Fashion & Textiles: Above and Beyond

Film Studies

Film Studies Bridging Work

Film Studies Extension Task

Food Science & Nutrition

Food Science & Nutrition Bridging Work


Geography Bridging Work

Once a Geographer, always a Geographer

Health & Social

Health & Social Bridging Work

Health & Social Presentation


History Bridging Work


Law Bridging Work

Maths & Further Maths

A Level Maths & Further Maths Bridging Work

Mathematical Studies

Mathematical Studies Bridging Work

Media Studies

Media Studies Bridging Work

Media Studies Extension Task

Music Technology

Music Technology Bridging Work


Photography Bridging Work

Physical Education

Physical Education Bridging Work


Physics Bridging Work

Product Design

Product Design Bridging Work


Task 1 - Psychologists

Task 2 - Psychology Careers

Task 3 - Course Specification

Task 4 - Introduction to Research Methods

Task 5 - Social Influence in Psychology

Task 6 - Introduction to Memory

Task 7 - Final Task


Task 1 - Sociologists

Task 2 - Sociology Careers

Task 3 - Course Specification

Task 4 - Sociology Values and Norms

Task 5 - Socialisation

Task 6 - Consensus and Conflict Theories

Task 7 - Final Task


Spanish Bridging Work

Course Content and Grammar Log

Spanish Case Study

Bridging Grammar - Spanish

Going Above and Beyond

For those of you who want to challenge yourself further and go 'above and beyond' the Bridging Work set by subject staff, this document will take you to a range of online courses that staff have identified as being useful.  These courses are often designed and run by universities and so they will increase the depth of your knowledge.  They are free to access, and you can be flexible about how and when you complete them.  For those of you who are considering university as a pathway these courses are excellent to talk about in your personal statements. 

Above and Beyond

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